Advent, the four-week period that precedes Christmas, is a time of both preparation and new beginnings. We open a new liturgical year, seeking to refocus ourselves on Christ and his many comings — in human history, in our hearts, in word and sacrament, in others and at the end of time.

In this set of articles from our partner Catholic News Service, we invite you to reflect on this unique season, and to consider several ways in which you can enter into it more deeply.

Advent marks a new beginning in countless ways
As a new liturgical year opens, we start all over again, but as different persons who continuously grow closer to Christ and to the fulfillment of his kingdom.

Three Advent traditions to slow you down this season
These December days are a time to quiet ourselves as we await Christ’s coming. Contemplation, candles and almsgiving can help us to prepare for the greatest gift of all.