Posted August 24, 2016
The Haitian community at St. William Parish gathered for Mass in their Haitian Creole language on Sunday, Aug. 7 at St. William Church, Rising Sun Avenue and Devereaux Street in Northeast Philadelphia. Father Alfred Lauricien, a priest of the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, celebrated the weekly 5:30 p.m. liturgy for the congregation. In addition to St. William’s, the other parish in the Philadelphia Archdiocese that regularly celebrates Sunday Mass in Haitian Creole is St. Cyril of Alexandria Parish, East Lansdowne. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Adette Honorat

Ralph Damas leads the congregation in prayer before Mass.

Father Alfred Lauricien, O.M.I., greets families before Mass.

Marie Calvaire leads the youth choir.

Marie Dejoux prays along with others in St. William Church.

Altar servers Hedwig Dorismond and Marvanley Niosette process to begin Mass.

Andre Netlyne

Esther Ouanez

Yves, Esther and Crista Gala pray at Mass together as a family.

Altar server Hedwig Dorismond

Ronia Thierno and Aisha Bah pray together.

Sister Dona Belizoire, S.R.N., prays with other worshipers in Haitian Creole during the Mass at St. William Church.

Jean Claude Croimain

Father Alfred Lauricien, O.M.I., celebrates Mass in Haitian Creole at St. William Church in Northeast Philadelphia.

Sister Dona Belizoire, S.R.N., prays during Mass.

Ruth Saintvil

Extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, along with Father Lauricien, distribute Communion during Mass.

The Haitian Catholic community at St. William’s poses for a photo after Mass.

Father Alfred Lauricien leads the people in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass at St. William Church.

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