Posted May 19, 2017
Family and friends celebrated first holy Communion April 30 at the parish in the Overbook section of Philadelphia. The parish’s pastor, Mercedarian Father Michael Rock, was the main celebrant. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Alina Tuwalski follows along with the readings during Mass where she received holy Communion for the first time.
Zinash Wallacavage was excited to receive the Eucharist for the first time.
Adrian Wiedmer and Alina Tuwalski wait expectantly to meet the Lord in the Eucharist.
Amelia Ermine and Adrian Wiedmer chat before processing in to Mass.
Brianna Hardy prepares to receive her first holy Communion.
Xavier Berry waits with his fellow first communicants at the first holy Communion Mass April 30, 2017 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Philadelphia (Photo by Sarah Webb).
Eight young men and women received their first holy Communion from Father Michael Rock, O.deM. at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish on April 30.
Maximilian Brown kneels to receive his first holy Communion from Father Michael Rock, O.deM.
Zinash Wallacavage receives the Eucharist for the first time from Father Michael Rock, O.deM.
Father Michael Rock, O.deM., pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, celebrates Mass on April 30.
First communicants Brianna Hardy and Elizabeth Drennen present the offertory gifts at Mass.
Adrian Wiedmer and Xavier Berry carry the offertory gifts during their first holy Communion Mass on April 30.
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Respectfully, writing with regard to Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Allaben NY – historically landmarked as the first church in the United States dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes in 1879 – a property now on the market for sale. It is my wish and desire to preserve this Church as a CHURCH / Chapel / Worship space / Retreat Center which of course will require funding. Those who know me know me know my zeal. The structure captured my heart in 2011 on my first visit to the Catskills. I cannot bear to think of it, with its consecrated status and historical significance being anything but a Church / Chapel dedicated as intended to Our Lady of Lourdes .
This note to you seeks your PRAYER, thoughts, and guidance in the endeavor to preserve this sacred space.
With great optimism I await your input.
Anne Shea
626 Main Street / Post Office Box 773
Margaretville NY 12455
914. 821. 7226