Event Name

Pro-Life Union Hosts “Newby Saturday”


Event Location

1144 Locus Street


Start Date and Time:

Saturday Novmeber 9th 10AM


End Date and Time

Saturday November 9th 12PM


Event Description

The Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia will host a “Newbie Saturday”If you have not prayed in front of an abortion facility, there will be a seasoned member of the movement there to demonstrate the dos and don’ts while praying in front of an abortion facility.


The newbie Saturday will take place outside of Planned Parenthood at

1144 Locust Street.


ANY QUESTIONS? Call our office at 215-885-8150 the Friday before “Newby Saturday” to find out who will be there, or if you have other questions.


Note: This event takes place every second Saturday of the month.


Ticket URL (optional)
