
At Pentecost, we are healed by fire

Blazes have burned throughout the past year, scorching our communities. But the flames of the Holy Spirit restore what the world has charred, transforming us into a new and glorious whole, writes Gina Christian.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Pentecost Sunday

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Perseverance is necessary for prayer, pope says

"True progress in spiritual life does not consist in multiplying ecstasies, but in being able to persevere in difficult times," which includes distractions and obstacles to prayer, Pope Francis said.

Monthly novena prayers to St. Joseph continue May 19

The specific intention this month is for all Christian single men and women in the pursuit of holiness. See the complete novena prayers, responses, litany and monthly intentions.

The Lord who hides in our hearts

The Ascension, which hid the risen Christ from mere human sight, ultimately reveals how close Jesus longs to be with each of us.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Seventh Sunday of Easter

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

‘Remaining’ in God’s love calls for ongoing response to him

In the Gospel reading for this Sunday Christ calls us into his life of divine love, and Msgr. Joseph Prior examines the ways we can answer the Lord's invitation to his dynamic, animating love.

Language no barrier when pope and ayatollah spoke of peace

A reader wonders about Pope Francis' meeting with Iraq's revered grand ayatollah, and Father Ken Doyle explains their rejection of "the language of war" in his weekly Q & A.

Reform aims to carry Gospel mission forward, not clean up past, pope says

In the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, Pope Francis said, the concept of reform is "in tension not only with what was once deformed" but also "conforming to what is new, to take on a new form."

Pope, at audience with people, talks about the power of prayer

Prayer, Pope Francis told a crowd of 300 people, is not always "a walk in the park." Real prayer requires effort and "certainly gives great peace, but through inner struggle which can accompany even long periods of life."