Archbishop Chaput's speeches

What Jay-Z has to do with youth, Jesus and the synod

In a second speech at the Rome synod of bishops on youth, Archbishop Chaput quotes a pop lyric and critiques the synod's document as insufficiently conveying God's Word and Jesus as the only path to full humanity.

Truth of church teaching on sexuality missing in synod doc, archbishop says

In an intervention, or speech, at the Rome synod of bishops on youth, the archbishop said young people deserve to be taught the truth and not be defined by their sexual appetites.

The love that moves the sun

In a speech marking the 20th anniversary of St. John Paul II's encyclical "Fides et Ratio," Archbishop Charles Chaput says God still guides the world with his love. In seeking, finding and living that love lies our joy and our hope.

Why men matter

In a healthy culture, one wouldn't need to state men's special responsibility to create a secure and just society, Archbishop Charles Chaput said Saturday in Kansas. But we live in a time of ongoing civil war over the meaning of gender, family and whether our lives have any higher purpose at all.

Things to come: Faith, state and society in a new world

So much has changed in America that now our country is its most conflicted and divided since the 1960s, Archbishop Chaput said in a speech Feb. 22 at Villanova. Yet there are sources of renewal in the church and paths to personal holiness for all Americans.

Archbishop sees biblical link in abundant love, faithfulness

In the school of love that is the family, the more unselfishly we love and teach others to love, the more human we become, said Archbishop Charles Chaput in a homily at the Family Fully Alive Conference in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Archbishop: Jesus, in Holy Family, modeled obedience

At the Family Fully Alive Conference in Fairbanks, Alaska, Archbishop Charles Chaput preached his Feb. 9 homily on the Gospel passage of finding Jesus in the Temple, with its lesson on obeying God’s word.

Memory, sex, and the making of ‘the new man’

The virtues of justice and courage once displayed by knights remain a call for Christian men today to struggle for the soul of a beautiful but broken world, and to reorder it, Archbishop Chaput told men at a conference Feb. 3 in Phoenix.

‘Amoris Laetitia’ and the nature of mercy

In a speech today in Houston, Archbishop Chaput spoke about the challenges of the church today, the challenges Amoris itself may seem to create; and how priests need to respond as “missionaries of mercy.”

Homily for the ordination of Bishop Alfred Schlert

"There’s no greater joy in the life of any bishop than to love as a father, and to be loved by God's sons and daughters as a father as well," said Archbishop Charles Chaput as he ordained Allentown's new bishop Aug. 31.