By Father John Bartunek, L.C.
Guest Commentary
Long ago, a Frenchman incurred the displeasure of the emperor Napoleon. He was thrown into a dungeon, forsaken by his friends and forgotten by everyone in the outside world. In loneliness and near despair he scratched on the wall of his cell, “Nobody cares.”
So many forces in today’s world want us to reach the same conclusion, to think that we don’t really matter, at least not very much. They tell us, for example, that our looks, bank account, career, clothes, résumé, talents and self-esteem are most important.
In short, they put the spotlight on all kinds of different things about us, but they ignore us. By overvaluing those good things, we end up undervaluing the most important thing, our very self that resides beneath. When that happens, we also start to undervalue other persons.
This is the root of today’s cultural campaign against human dignity. Something people can have, like health, is given more importance than what people are – so we are willing to dispose of people, starting with human embryos, in order to use their stem cells to search for cures for diseases. And when health begins to wane, assisted suicide is offered as a “medical treatment” to terminate life (in several countries and U.S. states).
Something people do, like having sexual relations, can fully reflect their dignity as human beings. But when sex itself is elevated above the dignity of the persons involved, it becomes more a way of taking physical pleasure from one’s partner rather than giving a gift of one’s whole being.
When people use each other for sexual pleasure, their dignity is obscured, which can lead to abuse, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases and pornography.
The subtle lies of today’s culture are a plague of spiritual leprosy, reducing the value of human persons to some arbitrary standard that changes like fashions. They make us think that we truly are, underneath it all, lepers.
But Jesus is nearby, waiting for us to approach Him and ask for a cure. He touches us still, if we let Him, especially in the sacrament of reconciliation and the Eucharist. To the world around us, what matters is what we possess, but to the Lord, we matter because we are His beloved children, created in His image, for whom He died, and with whom He wants to live forever in heaven.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta lived this teaching beautifully. Once she was staying with a community of sisters working among the Aborigines in Australia. She visited an elderly man who lived in total isolation, ignored by everyone. His home was a filthy wreck.
She told him, “Please let me clean your house, wash your clothes and make your bed.” He answered, “I’m OK like this. Let it be.” She said, “You will be still better if you allow me to do it.” He finally agreed.
While she was cleaning, she discovered a beautiful lamp, covered with dust; it looked like it hadn’t been used in years. “Don’t you light that lamp?” she said, “Don’t you ever use it?” He answered, “No. No one comes to see me. I have no need to light it. Who would I do it for?” Mother Teresa asked, “Would you light it every night if the sisters came?” He replied, “Of course.”
From that day on, the sisters committed themselves to visiting him every evening. Mother Teresa left Australia. Two years passed. She had completely forgotten about that encounter. Then she received a message from him: “Tell my friend that the light she lit in my life still continues to shine.”
You matter. That’s why Christ came into your life, cleaned your soul and lit the lamp of faith in your heart. And while it shines, it should inspire us to roll back the dark lies of the culture and spread the light of Christ’s love to everyone we can, because they matter too.
Father Bartunek is a Legionary of Christ priest.
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