You can’t take it with you. Good thing too, because people face so many troubles today that require wise use of money here and now.
So it’s timely that the Archdiocese of Philadelphia presents its annual pastoral and financial report to the faithful this week. The needs are great in this region, but so is the response of the Church. The bottom line of the report shows a balance of revenue to expenses of more than $466 million for the previous fiscal year (July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010).
Unlike a for-profit corporation or even a non-profit organization, the Church uses its resources for no other reason than to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. {{more}}
By feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and aged, accompanying the lonely, teaching the young and lifting up the spirits of all, the Church reaches out to humanity in all our needs as Jesus did, and in His name. The Church does this for all people, Catholic or not, of means or not, citizen or stranger.
Those people include the served, and the servants. The report indicates that more than 10,000 people are employed by the Archdiocese in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery counties, making the Church one of the region’s largest employers.
Those workers contribute a great deal not only to the economic vitality of the region by their employment, but in less tangible ways because of the human and spiritual service they render to their fellow residents. Employees will be quick to say that the sacrificial nature of their work – many could be earning better wages in secular employment – is what makes their labor worth it.
They recognize they are evangelizers in all that they do, not by preaching in words but by serving all and witnessing to Jesus’ gifts of mercy and love for all.
The Church uses all its resources, those noted in the pastoral and financial report as well as those of the 266 parishes whose activities are not included, for the people. That’s because the Church is a community of believers who look beyond this life. The goal is not monetary wealth but communion with all humanity and with God, now on earth and forever in heaven.
In that sense it’s true: you really can’t take it with you. But together we can share what we have for the needs of all, until the Lord brings us all home to Himself.
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