Take Action at www.pacatholic.org by September 30
In implementing the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the new health care reform
law), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently issued a rule requiring
almost all private health plans to cover contraception and sterilization as “preventive services” for
women. The mandate even forces individuals and groups with religious or moral objections to
purchase and provide such coverage if they are to receive or provide health coverage at all. This
poses an unprecedented threat to individual and institutional religious freedom.
The rule includes a religious exemption so extremely narrow that it protects almost no one. It
covers only a “religious employer” that has the “inculcation of religious values” as its purpose,
primarily employs and serves persons who share its religious tenets, and is a church organization
under two narrow provisions of the tax code. A great many religious organizations — including
Catholic colleges and universities, as well as hospitals and charitable institutions that serve the
public – will be ineligible. Individuals and religiously affiliated health insurers will not qualify for
the exemption.
The new rule would force insurance plans to cover “all Food and Drug Administration approved
contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all
women with reproductive capacity.” Never before has the federal government required private
health plans to include such coverage. The FDA-approved “emergency contraception” (EC) drugs
that are covered by this mandate can work by interfering with implantation of a newly conceived
human being. Also, the drug the FDA most recently approved for EC, “Ella,” a close analogue to
the abortion drug RU-486, has been shown in animal tests to cause abortion. Thus, the mandate
includes drugs that may cause an abortion both before and after implantation.
ACTION: Please send an e-mail message to HHS by visiting www.pacatholic.org. With just a
few clicks of the mouse, you can send a message to HHS asking them to respect religious liberty
and to your elected representatives in Congress, urging them to support the Respect for Rights of
Conscience Act (H.R. 1179/S. 1467) to ensure that such federal mandates do not violate
Americans’ moral and religious convictions.
MESSAGE TO HHS: “Pregnancy is not a disease, and drugs and surgeries to prevent it are not
basic health care that the government should require all Americans to purchase. Please remove
sterilization and prescription contraceptives from the list of ‘preventive services’ the federal
government is mandating in private health plans. It is especially important to exclude any drug
that may cause an early abortion, and to fully respect religious freedom as other federal laws do.
The narrow religious exemption in HHS’s new rule protects almost no one. I urge you to allow all
organizations and individuals to offer, sponsor and obtain health coverage that does not violate
their moral and religious convictions.”
WHEN: Please send your comments to HHS by the September 30 deadline. You can send your
message at www.pacatholic.org.
PREVIOUS: Society of the Holy Child Jesus Sisters are happy to make a commitment for life
NEXT: Life to the full
I don’t like where this administration is taking our country. They are taking away our liberties piece by piece. We must be vigilant and vote against the the current administration, especially Obama. We must “REPEAL” this mandate.
Stanley & Judith Billie on April 29, 2012
Please recend the HHS Mandate. This is another violation of our rights. It is done to appease a highly vocal group. I am tired of the attacks on religion and will vote against anyone responsible for this in all future elections.