In Holland, St. Bede the Venerable students visited homebound parishioners during the annual Advent Day of Prayer Dec. 13. Seventh grade students
joined seniors for lunch; kindergarteners and eighth grade students sang Christmas carols after the meal.
At St. Peter the Apostle School in Philadelphia, the focus was also on meals, as fifth-graders filled boxes of food to distribute to the needy. This is an annual drive at the school to ensure that families in the community can have a full holiday meal at Christmas. The students collected 42 boxes of food this year.
At SS. Simon and Jude School in West Chester, sixth-graders helped coordinate donations of bicycles and scooters to be given to

SS. Simon and Jude students hold up filled Christmas stockings to be given to children at their sister school, St. Veronica.
underprivileged families via Delaware Valley Children’s Charity.
The SS. Simon and Jude students also celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas. In lieu of filling their own stockings or shoes during the feast day, they collected and donated uniform and Christmas socks to give to students at their partner school, St. Veronica in Philadelphia.
PREVIOUS: Dr. Rosalie Mirenda, president of Neumann University, on Cardinal Foley
NEXT: A loving remembrance of John Cardinal Foley
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