Archbishop Chaput at Inauguration for Mayor Nutter and City Council members at the Academy of Music, Jan. 2, 2012.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Interfaith Religious Leaders’ Inaugural Prayer Service for Mayor Nutter at the Cathedral Chapel Dec. 28.
Archbishop Chaput at Inauguration for Mayor Nutter and City Council members at the Academy of Music, Jan. 2, 2012.
Archbishop Chaput at Inauguration for Mayor Nutter and City Council members at the Academy of Music, Jan. 2, 2012.
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Why was there so much angst when President Obama gave a speech at Notre Dame when in Philadelphia, the Archbishop not only hosted the event for Mayor Nutter but also delivered a prayer ? Archbishop Chaput is doing the correct thing and respecting the Office of the elected Mayor of our great City.
Your Excellency Archbishop Charles Chaput,
I must make this petition to appeal the decision of the Archdiocese Blue Ribbon Committee to merge St. Mark School in Bristol Bourgh with St. Ephrem School, Bensalem. Our parish of St. Mark is classified by the Archdiocese as an “A” parish, we have averaged, for the past five years, one hundred Baptisms, our school enrollment is on the rise,more our growing Latino Community of St. Mark are begining to send their children to our school, and we are excited to celebate our 125th Anniversary next year. The school we are to merger with,St. Ephrem, is some distance and our children will need to take two buses to get there. Just to mention also, with the closing of St. Michael the Archangel, Tullytown, there would be no Catholic School in this region. Furthermore, there is also a history with this same senario which was a distaster in the 1960’s, and we do not want a repeat such a mistake.
I am sure there are some excellent and good recomendations of the Blue Ribbon Committee. In this case of St. Mark Parish Schoool, however, this I would consider a bad and illadvised recomendation. Thank you for your time and consideration in this most important matter. Su hermano en Cristo, Father Dennis M. Mooney