Posted May 19, 2014
See our photo gallery of the Mass and rite of ordination for six priests ordained by Archbishop Charles Chaput on Saturday, May 17 in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. See the first parish assignments of the newly ordained priests here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
The newly ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia include, shown with Archbishop Chaput at center, (from left) Fathers David Waters Jr., Charles Ravert, Robert Gross, Jason Buck, Christopher Moriconi, and Sean English.
In the cathedral sacristy after Mass, Father David Waters blesses Archbishop Chaput.
The newly ordained priests give their first blessing to the cathedral’s congregation.
Archbishop Chaput consecrates the Eucharist as the newly ordained priests concelebrate the Mass for the first time May 17 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.
Father Charles Ravert exchanges the fraternal kiss of peace with Archbishop Chaput.
Archbishop Chaput ceremoniously hands the chalice to Father Christopher Moriconi during the ordination rite.
Archbishop Chaput anoints the hands of Father Robert Gross with the Oil of Chrism.
Msgr. Francis Beach helps Father Jason Buck don his priestly vestments for the first time.
Archbishop Chaput (left) invokes God’s blessing on the candidates for priestly ordination.
Fellow priests lay their hands on the heads of the men to be ordained.
Archbishop Chaput lays his hands on the head of Father Sean English, ordaining him a priest.
The men lie prostrate on the cathedral floor as the litany of saints, a lengthy invocation of saints, washes over them.
Deacon Jason Buck makes the promise of the elect during the ordination rite.
During the homily of Archbishop Chaput before the rite of ordination, Deacons Jason Buck, Sean English, Robert Gross, Christopher Moriconi, David Waters Jr. and Charles Ravert listen attentively.
At right, Bishop Timothy Senior, rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, presents the candidates for ordination.
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