Father Michael Fitzpatrick, pastor of St. Peter Parish, celebrated Mass for his congregation on Sunday, Nov. 16 at the parish church located at 2835 Manor Road in West Brandywine, Chester County. He was assisted by Permanent Deacon Todd Smith and joined by the parish’s youth choir with sacred music performed in a contemporary style. Invite CatholicPhilly.com to make your parish the subject of our Across the Aisles photo feature — contact us at editor@catholicphilly.com. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Extraordinary ministers of holy Communion Emily Zawacki (left) and Jo Christoff distribute the Body of Christ to worshipers.

The Family Tree at St. Peter’s encourages parishioners to select a tag with the name of a family and to pray for that family.

A Giving Tree invites parishioners to select a tag for a Christmas gift item to be given to needy people in the community.
PREVIOUS: Nativity comes alive at St. Anthony Parish
NEXT: Learning about marriage before the big day
Beautiful! Looks like a real Eucharistic community. Congratulations to their pastor , Fr. Michael Fitzpatrick. Happy Christmas to all.
God Bless Father Fitzpatrick. One of our seminarians is from that Parrish. He use to be my neighbor. His initials are Dave O’Brien. Love & prayers Paul