Preparations for the World Meeting of Families and the visit by Pope Francis this Sept. 22-27 got a tasty boost when students of St. Peter the Apostle School and the Vatican’s top planner for the event, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia of the Pontifical Council for the Family, met in Philadelphia March 9 to sample three special milkshakes by Potbelly Sandwich Shops. Proceeds from sales of the treats beginning April 1 will support the events. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

With Archbishop Paglia, center, are Donna Crilley Farrell (right), executive director of the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, and Jennifer Jaiswal (left), representing Potbelly Sandwich Shop, along with World Meeting of Families officials in back.

Archbishop Paglia and Donna Crilley Farrell taste their shakes as Robert Ciaruffoli (center), president of the World Meeting of Families, and Father William Donovan watch.

Azzariah Dubose (left) and Gabriel McCall of St. Peter the Apostle School can’t get enough of the milkshakes.

With a show of hands, St. Peter School’s students acclaim the flavor #popeinphilly as the best of three specialties devoloped by Potbelly’s.

Eve Salanone and her schoolmates share a laugh as Archbishop Paglia shares his World Meeting of Families sunglasses with her.

Cool sunglasses and three milkshakes make for an unusual school day, but a lot of fun, for these St. Peter School students.

St. Peter’s students extend their hands and pray over Archbishop Paglia, who first visited the school last year during a tour of Philadelphia.
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