The Delaware County parish’s members and guests welcomed three new members into the Catholic Church as a girl, a woman and a man were baptized during the Easter Vigil Mass, led by their pastor, Father James Lyons. It is the most sacred night on the Christian calendar because it commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, giving new life to all believers. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

A parishioner holds a candle and follows the readings during the Service of Light in the first part of the Easter Vigil liturgy.

Mass starts in the courtyard of St. Charles Borromeo Church with the lighting of the paschal candle from the new Easter fire by Father James Lyons, pastor. Beside him is Jesuit Father Richard McGowan from Boston College, who is a son of the parish.

Deacon John Farrell holds the paschal candle as the people pray the prayer proclaimed by Father Lyons.

Deacon Farrell holds the candle as Father James Lyons lights it at dusk in the courtyard beside the church.

Parishioners process into church solemnly with the newly lighted paschal candle, symbolizing the light of Christ conquering darkness, and death itself, by his resurrection from the dead.
PREVIOUS: Catholics in archdiocese celebrate resurrection of Jesus
NEXT: Today’s disciples reenact Jesus’ life, death and rising
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