Bishop John McIntyre celebrated Mass and dedicated a statue in Mary’s name at St. Hubert Catholic Girls’ High School last week. The statue came from the now closed All Saints Parish in Philadelphia, which was also the home parish of St. Hubert’s school minister, Father Ronald Check. He led the crowning of Mary in a May procession. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Father Ronald Check, school minister and member of the former All Saints Parish from which the statue was received, crowns Mary.

The school community and guests gather around the statue of Our Lady of the Highways for the dedication.

Seniors (from left) Stephanie Nilsen, Esmerelda Prifti, Jessica Miller and Jennifer Ralston pray during Mass.

Members of the St. Hubert student council present Bishop John McIntyre (left) with gifts during his visit to the school and dedication of the statue of Mary May 4. School minister Father Ronald Check stands at center.

After Mass, students lead the entire school community in procession to the front of the school where Bishop McIntyre blessed the Our Lady of the Highways statue.
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