See scenes from the installation of Father Thomas P. Whittingham as the new pastor of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Chester, Delaware County. Bishop John J. McIntyre led the celebration for the diverse and vibrant parish community on Sunday, July 19 at the church located at 1920 Providence Avenue in Chester. The parish is only the second assignment for the priest, who previously served at Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish in North Wales, since his ordination for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 2012. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Thurifer Chris Bawley, crucifix Jaime Puente-Cantillo

Thurifer Chris Bawley leads the closing procession, along with cross bearer Jaime Puente-Cantillo.

Lectro Gus Iugay

Lector Gus Iugay




Fr Tom places his hands on the  Book of the Gospels  and recites the  Oath of Fidelity

Father Whittingham places his hands on the Book of the Gospels and recites the Oath of Fidelity.




parishioner and parish van driver Dorothy Murphy prays at the Saint Katharine Drexel Shrine in the rear of the church

Parishioner and parish van driver Dorothy Murphy prays at the St. Katharine Drexel Shrine in the rear of the church.

Fr Tom Whittingham address the congregation after mass

Father Whittingham address the congregation after Mass.

choir led by Mary Lopez

Mary Lopez (left) leads the parish choir.

cantor Tyrone Lopez

Cantor Tyrone Lopez leads the congregation in the Responsorial Psalm.

Fransetta Washington and her great nephew Zanya Hubbard

Fransetta Washington and her great-nephew Zanya Hubbard sing the psalm together.

Joan Jackson

Joan Jackson (right) uses her missalette to pray the liturgy.

BIshop McIntyre blesses Deacon Bill Bradley before he reads the Gospel.

Bishop John McIntyre blesses Deacon Bill Bradley before he proclaims the Gospel.

servers Matt Ziff, Nick Romeo, Jaime Puente-Cantillo

Participating in the liturgy are servers (from left) Matt Ziff, Nick Romeo and Jaime Puente-Cantillo.


The Bartolon Family

The Bartolon Family.

Fr Tom alone stands before Bishop McIntyre for the renewal of promises.

Father Whittingham (left) stands before Bishop McIntyre for the renewal of promises.

Fr Tom alone stands before Bishop McIntyre for the renewal of promises.

Father Whittingham prepares to recite the renewal of promises.

Fr Tome leads the assembly in the Profession of Faith .

Father Whittingham leads the congregation in the Profession of Faith.



St. Katharine’s parishioners acclaim their new pastor.

Presentation of the Pastor and Greeting by Representatives of the Parish

Father Whittingham greets representatives of the parish during a rite in the Mass.

Presentation of the Pastor and Greeting by Representatives of the Parish






Deacon Bill Bradley



Parishioners present the offertory gifts to Bishop John McIntyre.



Gail Brown

Gail Brown prays during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

sign of peace

Members of the diverse parish congregation exchange a sign of peace.

Mary Freeman

Mary Freeman receives holy Communion from her pastor, Father Tom Whittingham.


Mary Gilmore

Mary Gilmore