John Williamson, right, presents the Defender of Life Award to Chris and Anita Galligan, members of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Springfield.
The Pro-Life Union of Delaware County and the St. Pius X Respect Life Committee co-hosted the annual Our Lady of Guadalupe dinner on Dec. 12. Approximately 200 people attended the event which was held at the Mater Dei Knights of Columbus Hall in Newtown Square.
Presenters included Kevin Burke from Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries, Father David Waters, parochial vicar at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Morton, and Michael McMonagle, president of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Coalition.
Generation Life’s Caitlin D’Adamo and Legacy of Life’s Maria Joseph also spoke about their ministries. Former state representative Steve Friend presented the Defender of Life Award to McMonagle for his nearly four decades of selfless dedication to advancing the cause of life. Chris and Anita Galligan, members of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Springfield, also received the Defender of Life Award.
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