Posted February 23, 2016
A joyful Catholic revival was celebrated last Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19-20, at Our Lady of Hope Church on North Broad Street in Philadelphia. Father Anthony Bozeman, a Philadelphia native and a priest of the Josephite religious order, preached during liturgies of the revival titled “What Are You Gonna Do? You Gotta Do Somethin!” In addition to Our Lady of Hope parishioners and guests from beyond the parish, the 50-member Philadelphia Catholic Mass Choir, the Immanuel Dancers and Cristo Rey Dancers, plus priests, deacons and lay people provided ministry for the revival. Read more about the revival here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Jamie Jones praise dances with the Cristo Rey Dancers.

Jailyn Anderson

Tymia Perkins dances with the Cristo Rey Dancers.

Father Efren Esmilla, pastor of Our Lady of Hope Parish, welcomes everyone to the revival.

Father Gerard Marable of the Camden Diocese offers a closing prayer.

The Knights of Columbus added a dignified presence to the revival.

Gloria Price from St. Raymond Parish.

Rose Goodman (left) from Our Lady of Peace Parish in the Camden Diocese and Flora Hall from St. Martin de Porres Parish in Philadelphia pray during the revival at Our Lady of Hope Church.

The Philadelphia Catholic Mass Choir

Father Anthony Bozeman, S.S.J., preaches from the ornate ambo of Our Lady of Hope.

The Cristo Rey Dancers

The Philadelphia Catholic Mass Choir

Father Anthony Bozeman, S.S.J., preaches during the revival at Our Lady of Hope.

Clydie Jones (left) from St. Raymond Parish listens to Father Bozeman preach at the revival at Our Lady of Hope on Broad Street in Philadelphia.

Dana and Randy David from St. Raymond Parish listen intently as Father Bozeman preaches.

Chris Daniles from St. Cyprian Parish
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