The Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul hosted the annual Chrism Mass Holy Thursday morning, March 24, with Archbishop Charles Chaput as the main celebrant and homilist. The archbishop blessed the holy oils to be used by priests in the sacraments of the church throughout the the year. Hundreds of priests concelebrated the Mass with the archbishop, and renewed the priestly promises they made at their ordination. After the Mass the priests took vials of the oils back to their parishes. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Archbisohp Charles Chaput leads Auxillary bishops Timothy Senior, John McIntyre, Michael Fitzgerald, Robert Maginnis and Louis DeSimone in renewal of their vows with the priest of the Archdiocese.

The holy oils are brought to the altar for Archbishop Charles Chaput to bless which the priests of the Archdiocese will use in the sacraments of the church throughout the the year.

The holy oils are brought to the altar for Archbishop Charles Chaput to bless which the priests of the Archdiocese will use in the sacraments of the church throughout the the year.

Archbishop Charles Chaput blesses the holy oils, to be used by priests in the sacraments of the church throughout the the year, during the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday.

Fathers William Donovan and Efren Esmillia along with priests of Philadelphia blesses the oils along with Archbishop Chaput.

The newly blessed holy oils to be used by priests in the sacraments of the church throughout the the year are taken to be distributed to priests from each parish in the Archdiocese.

Father Steve Paolino, parochial vicar at Saint Aloysius Church in Pottstown, prays the Lord’s Prayer.

Father William Monahan, parochial vicar at Saint TImothy Church in Northeast Philadelphia, raises his voice in praise.

Father Richard McFadden, who is home from studying in Rome for Holy Week, concelebrated Mass with his fellow priests.

The holy oils are brought to the altar for Archbishop Charles Chaput to bless which the priests of the Archdiocese will use in the sacraments of the church throughout the the year.

Archbishop Charles Chaput blesses the holy oils, to be used by priests in the sacraments of the church throughout the the year, during the chrism mass at the Cathedral Basillica of SS. Peter and Paul.
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