Posted January 17, 2017
On the commemoration of the civil rights hero’s birthday Jan. 16, Bishop John McIntyre led a prayer service and candid discussion on race relations at St. Philip Neri Church, Lafayette Hill. Read full coverage of the revealing program and discussion here. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Everyone in the congregation sing along to hymns led by the Philadelphia Catholic Mass Choir at the 34th annual Archdiocesan Gathering in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 16 at St. Philip Neri Church, Lafayette Hill.
Immanuel Movement Praise Team performs “Glory,” a selection from “Selma.”
Father Chris Walsh, pastor of St. Raymond Parish in Philadelphia, was emcee for the gathering. He asked everyone to get up from their seat and sit next to someone they’ve never met and with a different skin color than theirs. Later in the evening the people discussed three topics in small groups.
After changing seats, attendees introduce themselves to one another.
Kim McCabe from St. Genevieve Parish in Flourtown and Rosalyn Butts from St. Barbara Parish in West Philadelphia sing praise together after meeting for the first time.
Carol Styles-Baylor, left, gives praise at the 34th annual Archdiocesan Gathering in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Jan. 16.
Immanuel Movement Praise Team perform “Glory.”
Diaconate candidate Anthony Willoughby leads the procession.
From left, Deacon James Mahoney, Bishop John McIntyre and Deacon William Williams kiss the altar at the beginning of the prayer service.
Jaden Callands from St. Raymond Parish reads from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.
Jasmine Small holds her little sister Jaylyn Boyle who might have been the youngest in attendance of the annual gathering.
Marq Temple from St. Athanasius Parish shares his experience as a black man over several decades.
Barbara Cobia from St. Barbara Parish and Danny Horan from St. Philip Neri Parish discuss whether race relations are regressing.
First-year seminarian Jamey Moses tells of his experience as a black man in today’s society and in the church.
From left, Margwen Watson from St. Barbara Parish, Mary Bernhardt from St. Philip Neri Parish and Terry Epps from St. Athanasius Parish discuss race-related topics. (Photo by Sarah Webb)
Ann Menna, archdiocesan deputy secretary for catechetical formation, shares a personal story of a time when she surprised herself and prejudged a black man, raising the question of what everyone’s personal biases may be.
From left, Reginald Carter from St. Barbara Parish and Dan Horan from St. Philip Neri Parish discuss prejudices they may have in their lives, along with the others in attendance.
The Philadelphia Mass Choir fills the church with praise.
Deacon Bill Bradley, director of the archdiocesan Office for Black Catholics, leads the prayers of intercession.
The congregation holds hands as they pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Sandra Mollichella (left) and Gesner Brutus hold hands as they sing “We Shall Overcome.”
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