Posted April 18, 2017
Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish in Manoa, Delaware County welcomed growth in the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass Saturday night, April 15, as one parishioner was baptized and nine were confirmed at the Mass. Also celebrating their sacraments of Christian initiation were students from Archbishop Carroll High School, three of whom received baptism and another six received confirmation. See scenes from the Mass. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Deacon Bill Williams holds the paschal candle after being lit in the vestibule of Sacred Heart Church in Manoa.
Steve Cassel lights his candle from the paschal candle at the beginning of the Easter Vigil Mass during which he was later confirmed.
Jenn (left) and Anna Lozano
Christian Ciarlante
Martyna Habdas
As the sun sets on Sacred Heart Church in Manoa, Christopher Isaiah Smith and other parishioners light their candles to fill the church with light of Christ.
Anne Marie McCafferty holds her lit candle at the opening of the Easter Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Manoa.
Father Henry McKee, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Manoa, places the paschal candle in the water for those to be baptized.
Father Henry McKee, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Havertown, baptizes Natalie Coughlin. (Sarah Webb)
Father Michael Speziale baptizes Isabella Carpenter, from Archbishop Carroll High School, at Sacred Heart Church during the Easter Vigil Mass April 15. (Sarah Webb)
The baptismal sponsors of Christian Smith and Natalie Coughlin place baptismal garments on them as they are received into the Catholic Church. (Sarah Webb)
Andrew Carpenter, from Archbishop Carroll High School, is all smiles after being baptized into the Christian faith at Sacred Heart Church, Havertown. (Sarah Webb)
Natalie Coughlin from Sacred Heart Parish looks into the light of her baptismal candle after she enters the church on Saturday, April 15.
Christian Smith (center) from Archbishop Carroll High School prays during the baptismal rite at Sacred Heart Church during the Easter Vigil Mass. (Sarah Webb)
Father Henry McKee sprinkles the congregation with holy water after they renew their baptismal promises at the Easter Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Manoa.
Father Michael Speziale confirms one of nine people (students and faculty) from Archbishop Carroll High School who were confirmed at Sacred Heart Church along with seven parishioners at the Easter vigil Mass April 15. (Photo by Sarah Webb)
Sammy and his mother Maryanne Sholl bring up the offertory gifts during the Easter Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Manoa.
From left, Deacon Bill Williams assists at the altar with Father Henry McKee and Father Michael Speziale.
Father Henry McKee, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, blesses the Easter fire at the start of the Easter Vigil Mass Saturday evening, April 15.
Father Henry McKee, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, places the pins designating 2016 into the paschal candle that will be used in the church during the year.
Carole and Art Finley attend the Easter Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Manoa.
The congregation of Sacred Heart Church in Manoa raise their hands in prayer over those who are being confirmed.
Father Henry McKee, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, places the pins into the paschal candle.
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Fr. Mike was always a good person and he showed me alot recently. Prayers to you!