Posted April 18, 2017
Bishops and priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese and religious orders in the region came together at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia to celebrate the institution of the priesthood with Archbishop Charles J. Chaput as celebrant at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, April 13. At the Mass, the archbishop also consecrated the holy oils used in sacraments throughout the year in parishes of the archdiocese. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Msgr. Patrick Sweeney, pastor of Holy Family Parish in Philadelphia, prays during the Chrism Mass on Thursday, April 12.

Father John Olenick, C.Ss.R.

In the cathedral’s sanctuary are, from left, Auxiliary Bishop Louis DeSimone, Bishop Joshua Mar Ignathios (Syro-Malankara Eparchy of Mavelikara in Kerala, India), Abbot Richard Antonucci, O. Praem. (Daylesford Abbey, Paoli) and Auxiliary Bishops Edward Deliman, Michael Fitzgerald, John McIntyre and Timothy Senior.

Msgr. James Beisel listens as Archbishop Charles Chaput preaches the homily for the Chrism Mass.

Msgr. James Mortimer (left) and Father Kevin Mulligan renew their priestly promises along with fellow priests of the archdiocese.

Archbishop Chaput consecrates the holy oils used in sacraments throughout the year in parishes of the archdiocese.

Archbishop Charles Chaput blesses the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Chrism during the Chrism Mass in 2017 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, where he will again celebrate and preach at the Chrism Mass this year on Holy Thursday, March 29. (Photo by Sarah Webb)

A cask of consecrated oil is brought to the cathedral’s chapel where vials of the oils were distributed after Mass to be brought back to the parishes.

Msgr. Daniel Mackle (left) concelebrates
Mass with hundreds of other priests during the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.

Father Jeffrey Stecz, pastor St. Agnes Parish in Sellersville.

Father Livinus Ugochukwu from St. Cyprian Parish prays during the Holy Thursday Chrism Mass.

Msgr. Kenneth McAteer drinks the Blood of Christ.

Father Shaun Mahoney (foreground) and fellow priests receive the Blood of Christ.

Father Patrick Welsh shakes hands with people who expressed their gratitude for all the priests during the recessional after the Chrism Mass.

Young men are excited to get fist bumps from Archbishop Chaput after Mass.

Archbishop Charles Chaput greets a young man from St. Rocco Parish in Avondale after the Chrism Mass.

Father Kevin Mulligan (right) concelebrates Mass with fellow priests on Holy Thursday at the cathedral.

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