Daylesford Abbey in Paoli announces a holy week retreat and the schedule of liturgies and conferences during the sacred Triduum.

“Triduum 2018: Christ’s Humility & Greatness — The Challenge & Mystery of the Cross” will be hosted by the Norbertine Fathers at the abbey, 220 South Valley Road in Paoli, Chester County.

The cost of the four-day retreat, from Holy Thursday, March 29 at 5:30 p.m. to Easter Sunday, April 1, at 11:45 a.m., is $200-$220. All are welcome to the liturgies and free-will offerings for the daily conferences only will be accepted.

Good Friday confronts Christians with the challenge of the Cross: an instrument of brutality, torture and death, which Christ faced  and assumed for the salvation of the world. Sacred Scripture proclaims, “By his wounds we are healed!”

Christ’s crucifixion becomes  a mystery to be pondered and  prayed over. It was Jesus’ yoke which God the Father laid upon His shoulders: to atone for and take away the sins of the world. Yet Jesus says to His followers: “My yoke is easy and my burden is light,” thereby calling His Church to claim His yoke, i.e., to walk in the Master’s footsteps by claiming, accepting and carrying the Cross of Christ — every day, come what may.

It’s a Mystery that entails humble submission to the Lord and the Way of the Lord, in all things and sometimes above all things.

Holy Saturday, in this sense, enables Christians to appreciate our fundamental belief, the Paschal Mystery, which is God’s promise of redemption/salvation fulfilled through, with and in the Christ’s way of the cross, always unfolding in history by the fidelity of His disciples.

The presenter of this year’s retreat is Father Maurice Avicolli, O. Praem.

The Spirit of these sacred days

Different people (including Norbertines) come to the Abbey for the Triduum with different expectations.  Our ideas of the Triduum as a time of retreat differ.  Some of us will often be busy preparing liturgies and attending to the details of hospitality.  For some, this might be a time of  reunion and for others there is a desire for more quiet.

We would appreciate your respecting the solemn nature of these days and refraining from loud conversation   especially in the bedroom areas where the walls are thin.  Greater attention to silence is important before Morning Prayer and/or breakfast, and after the Office of Vigils on Thursday and Friday night. Weather permitting, our grounds are good for quiet reflection.  A floor plan of the first floor and our grounds is available.

Triduum Overnight Guests

Arrival: This year, you have the option to arrive before or after dinner on Holy Thursday evening. Your arrival time is important. When you register, please indicate if you will stay for dinner on Thursday evening and indicate the appropriate time of your arrival.

Meals: Share community meals in the Norbertine tradition of hospitality. It is important to be prompt for meals. On Good Friday, lunch will be in silence. On Easter Sunday, no meals will be served with the exception of breakfast.

Communio/Tradition:  It is our tradition that our Triduum retreatants (if capable) help with setting the tables and cleaning up the dishes after meals.  A signup sheet will be posted in the abbey dining room.  Your help is appreciated!

A Retreatant Lounge (third floor) offers a small kitchenette area. Coffee and tea are provided.  A refrigerator and microwave are there for your use.

General information: Upon your arrival, you will receive a folder with important information during your stay, (i.e. area guides, floor plans for the building and grounds).  We ask that you take this folder home with you and refer to it while you are here.

Triduum Schedule

Holy Thursday, March 29

5:40 pm                 Dinner (optional for overnight guests)

7:30 pm                 Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday, March 30

8:00 am               Office of Vigils

8:30 am               Morning Prayer

10:30 am             Triduum Conference

12:00 Noon        Midday Prayer

3:00 pm              Solemn Service of the Lord’s Passion and Death

7:30 pm              Taizé Around the Cross

Holy Saturday, March 31

8:00 am              Office of Vigils

8:30 am               Morning Prayer

10:30 am             Triduum Conference

12:00 Noon         Midday Prayer

4:30 pm                Vespers

7:30 pm                Solemn Easter Vigil and Eucharist

Easter Sunday, April 1

8:30 am                Morning Prayer

10:30 am             Eucharist

11:45 am              Check out

4:30 pm               Easter Vespers

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