Posted July 17, 2018
Msgr. Michael Picard, pastor of St. Andrew Parish, was the celebrant and homilist for the 12 noon Mass on Sunday, July 15. The church, filled with families and worshipers of all ages, is located at 81 Swamp Road in Newtown, Bucks County. To see your parish featured in Across the Aisles, contact at (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Stella Boland says hello to fellow parishioners at St. Andrew Church in Newtown.
Transtional Deacon David O’Brien carries the Book of Gospels in procession at St. Andrew Church for noon Mass.
Cantor Jennifer Kimock fills the church with her beautiful voice.
Rich Freligh sings during mass at St. Andrew Church on Sunday, July 15.
Transitional Deacon David O’Brien crosses his heart before proclaiming the Gospel.
The faithful pray during a Sunday Mass at St. Andrew Church, Newtown, in July 2018 (Photo by Sarah Webb)
Msgr. Michael Picard, pastor, celebrates the Liturgy of the Eucharist at St. Andrew Church in Newtown.
Mary and Deacon John Hynes hold hands as they pray during Mass. Deacon Hynes, retired, is the oldest deacon in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Catherine Pugh prays the Lord’s Prayer.
Joanne Marx prays during the consecration of the Eucharist.
Patrick Mulcahey prays during Mass at St. Andrew Church in Newtown, Bucks County.
David Kimock provides music for the 12 p.m. Mass at St. Andrew Church in Newtown.
Parishioners at St. Andrew Church in Newtown offer one another a sign of peace.
The interior of St. Andrew Church, Newtown.
From left, Transitional Deacon David O’Brien, Msgr. Michael Picard (pastor), Father Michael Sheehan, Father Marc Capizzi and Father Kyle Adamczyk are present to serve the people of St. Andrew Parish.
Frank Nawalinski distributes holy Communion.
Norm Smith and Msgr. Michael Picard distribute holy Commuion at St. Andrew Church on Sunday, July 15.
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