Posted October 29, 2018
Parishioners of St. Thomas More in Pottstown are marking the congregation’s 50th anniversary with a variety of activities, including an Oct. 19 game night, as well as a bake sale and ministry fair.
On Sunday, Nov. 4, the parish will celebrate a 10:30 a.m. Mass in honor of its deceased founding members. A pancake breakfast will follow.
For more information, visit the parish’s website at
(Photos by Susan Dutton.)

Charlie Paladino, Pete Sagona, Greg Martin, and Ray Canton shared information about the Knights of Columbus during an October 2018 ministry fair at St. Thomas More. The Pottstown parish is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a variety of events and outreaches.

St. Thomas More parishioners put their cards on the table at an Oct. 19 game night. The Pottstown parish is marking its 50th anniversary with a variety of events.

Parishioners of St. Thomas More enjoyed several rounds of bingo at an Oct. 19 game night in honor of the parish’s 50th anniversary.

An Oct. 19 game night, hosted by the St. Thomas More Youth Group, included classic competitions such as bingo.

Jeff Evans, Baldimero Silva and Bill Janofsky share information about the Knights of Columbus during a recent ministry fair at St. Thomas More. The Pottstown parish is marking its 50th anniversary with a variety of events and initiatives.

Donna Marinello, Jim McCausland, Pat Kerwin, and Mary Jo Warner staffed tables during an October 2018 ministry fair at St. Thomas More. The Pottstown parish is marking its 50th anniversary this year with a variety of events and outreaches.

The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary hosted an October 2018 bake sale at St. Thomas More in Pottstown, as part of the parish’s 50th anniversary events.

Carol Duffy and Cathy Nagy of St. Thomas More discuss the parish’s book club at an October 2018 ministry fair, part of the Pottstown parish’s ongoing 50th anniversary celebrations.
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