Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Doylestown will host a “Super Bowl of Catholic Thought” session as part of its adult faith formation outreach.
The presentation, focusing on the virtue of hope, will take place on Saturday, Feb. 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the school cafeteria.
Father John J. Fisher, O.S.F.S. will deliver a keynote talk entitled “Disciples of Hope.”
There will be an opportunity for contribute to a free will offering at the event. To register for the event, visit www.ourladymountcarmel.org and click on “Adult Faith.”
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is located at 235 East State Street, Doylestown.
For more information, contact Anne Corwell at corwell19@gmail.com or call Nicole in the rectory office at 215-348-4190.
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