Event Name
Casino Knight for Life
Event Location
St Peter & St Paul School Hall
Start Date and Time:
March 9, 2019 6pm
End Date and Time
March 9, 2019 10pm
Event Description
The event is a Casino Style gaming night where participants will receive $1000 worth of fun money to play various card and games of chance. At the end of the evening all of the fun money will be exchanged for entries into a drawing. $1000 will get you one entry.
There will be 3 prizes, 1st prize is a trip for to Las Vegas, 2nd prize is a laptop computer, and the 3rd prize is a big screen TV.
There will be a 50/50 raffle. All participants will be able to partake in complimentary buffet of food and there will be an open bar serving beer and wine. All of the proceeds from the event will benefit a new Gianna Center that is scheduled to open in the Spring of 2019 in Norristown, PA. There will also be hourly door prizes given out during the night. Cost is $45 per person. The event is being hosted by the Knight of Columbus councils in District 21, Councils 772, 3327, 4153, 7565, and 14454 which serve King of Prussia, Bridgeport, Norristown, parts of Plymouth Meeting, and Trooper. We would also welcome generous sponsors to advertise in a program booklet for the event. You can get more information via email koc3327@comcast.net or leave a message at 610-431-3338.
PREVIOUS: St. Valentine’s Day Couples Dinner with Meghan Cokeley
NEXT: ‘Accepting the Gift’ Conference for Catholic Special Needs Parents
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