Posted November 20, 2019
The Parkesburg, Chester County parish welcomed parishioners and guests for the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Nov. 17 in the Schneider Parish Center, after which the Life Teen group sold doughnuts to fund an upcoming youth mission trip. The pastor, Father Sean O’Neill was the celebrant for the Mass, assisted by Deacon Gene Favinger. The geographically sprawling parish also hosts liturgies at the separate Our Lady of Consolation Church and at St. Malachy Church. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Our Lady of Consolation’s Schneider Parish Center

Altar servers Sophia Lauletta, Katie Cellini and Karl Hertzog lead the procession for the 11 a.m. Mass.

Jean Moulder attends Mass with her grandaughters Vanessa Meli and Zoey Lazos.

Deacon Gene Favinger carries the Book of Gospels in procession to begin Mass.

From left, Andrew, Lindsay, Ryan and Scott Mitman worship together at Our Lady of Consolation Parish.

The parish worship group “Devoted” shares their talents by leading the faithful in music at Mass.

Peg and George Evans have been parishioners of Our Lady of Consolation for all their 63 years of marriage.

Father Sean O’Neill, pastor, offers a blessing to the children before they attend the children’s liturgy of the Word at the 11 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Consolation in Parkesburg.

Clara and her mother Meggan Rocco use their missalette during Mass.

From left, Robert, Alicia and baby Julian Graves participate in the Mass.

Janice Dagney (left) and Linda Valmonte present the offertory gifts to Father Sean O’Neill.

Father Sean O’Neill lifts the Eucharist in consecration.

Parishioners offers one another a sign of peace at Our Lady of Consolation in Parkesburg, Chester County.

Darren and Jared Hodorovich pray during Mass.

Norm, the parish pooch, greets and keeps parisherioners smiling during Mass.

The Life Teen group sells doughnuts after Mass to support their mission trip.

Father Sean O’Neill, pastor, greets parishoners after Mass.

The children of the parish enjoy doughnuts sold by the Life Teen group after Mass.

Our Lady of Consolation Church in Parkesburg.

St. Malachi Chapel offers Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
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