Posted February 25, 2020
Philadelphia’s new shepherd got straight to work after his Feb. 18 installation Mass.
On Feb. 23, Archbishop Nelson J. Perez confirmed 11 youth during the 11 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.
The confirmandi were from a number of area parishes, including the Cathedral Basilica, St. Teresa of Calcutta in Limerick, St. Augustine in Philadelphia, St. Rose Parish in Haddon Heights, N.J. and parishes in Delaware.
(All photos by Sarah Webb.)

Addison Sullivan of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Cinnaminson, N.J. was baptized by Archbishop Perez.

Deacon Epifanio De Jesus proclaimed the Gospel at the Feb. 23 Mass.

Deacon Epifanio De Jesus hold the book for Archbishop Perez to kiss after the reading of the Gospel.

During his homily, Archbishop Perez asked the parents of the confirmandi to stand to be acknowledged.

Archbishop Perez confirms Santino Scorsone.

Archbishop Perez confirms Chloe Fry.

Archbishop Perez confirms Ignacio Escobar.

Sponsors offer the confirmandi a sign of peace.

Gary, Veronica and Jennifer Matthews, from Berlin, Md. attended the Feb. 23 Mass at the Cathedral to support a family member who received the sacrament of confirmation.

After being confirmed by Archbishop Perez, Naydelin Yoleth receives communion from Philadelphia’s new shepherd, who also baptized Naydelin prior to his appointment as archbishop.

After Mass, Archbishop Perez blessed Johnnie Acarro as his grandparents Tony and Marie Cucchi and his sister Ava looked on.

Archbishop Perez congratulated Miriam Hope Matthews after being confirmed at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.

Archbishop Perez and Father Dennis Gill, rector of the Cathedral, pose after the Feb. 23 Mass with the 11 confirmandi and their sponsors.
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