Posted February 7, 2020
The Transfigure group based at St. Andrew Parish in Newtown meets Sunday nights for prayer at the church and, afterward, at a local restaurant for fun. Read more about Transfigure, and how it is strengthening participants and local parishes, here.
Enjoying a meal on Feb. 4 at the Green Parrot in Newtown are members of Transfigure, the Catholic young adult group in Bucks County. They include (clockwise from left) Father Kyle Adamczyk of St. Andrew Parish, Newtown, Allison Ivcic, Ashley Bennett, Matthew Leonetti, Carolyn Gerber, Father Manuel Flores of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Penndel and Chris Moody. (Sarah Webb)
St. Andrew Parish and the young adults of Transfigure host the men of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary during Biking for Vocations in August 2019. The evening included dinner, evening prayer, holy hour and ice cream social. (Sarah Webb)
St Andrew Parish and the young adults of Transfigure host the men of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary during Biking for Vocations in August 2019. The evening included dinner, evening prayer, holy hour and ice cream social. (Sarah Webb)
Father Kyle Adamczyk and Ashley Bennett provide music for a Transfigure holy hour.
Transfigure young adults enjoy a Thanksgiving “Friendsgiving” meal on Nov. 24, 2019 at Christine’s Restaurant in Yardley.
St. Andrew Parish and the young adults of Transfigure host the men of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary during Biking for Vocations in August 2019. (Sarah Webb)
Father Kyle Adamczyk, chaplain for Transfigure and parochial vicar of St. Andrew Parish, Newtown, blesses and celebrates mass on the Green Parrot’s new patio in Newtown.
Transfigure young adults enjoy Shadybrook Farm’s 25th annual Holiday Light Show in December 2019 in Yardley.
Young adults gather with Father Manuel Flores of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Penndel (right) for the second annual Transfigure Christmas party, held Dec. 22 ,2019 at St. Andrew Parish Rectory.
Transfigure young adults team up to construct a gingerbread house during the 2nd annual Transfigure Christmas Party, held on Dec. 22 2019 at St. Andrew Parish Rectory.
Members of Transfigure decorate a colorful gingerbread house during the second annual Transfigure Christmas party, held on Dec. 22, 2019 at St. Andrew Parish Rectory. (Sarah Webb)
Young adults from Transfigure, a Catholic young adults group in Bucks County, are all smiles as they enjoy intentional community at the Green Parrot on Feb. 4. They include (clockwise from left) Father Kyle Adamczyk of St. Andrew Parish, Newtown, Allison Ivcic, Ashley Bennett, Matthew Leonetti, Carolyn Gerber, Father Manuel Flores of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Penndel and Chris Moody. (Sarah Webb)
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PREVIOUS: Religious women, men join in Mass for consecrated life
NEXT: Across the Aisles: St. Monica Parish, Philadelphia
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