PREVIOUS: 175 parish catechists honored for years of service at Mass
NEXT: Religious women, men join in Mass for consecrated life
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Kicks Off 50th Annual Rice Bowl
All Catholic Chorus Performs at Bishop Shanahan HS
Prayer Service for Hope and Perseverance, Peace and Justice in Ukraine at Cathedral
See Scenes: All Catholic Concert Band Performs at Holy Ghost Prep
St. Charles Seminary Hosts 12th Annual John Cardinal Foley Lecture
Photos: Mass for World Day for Consecrated Life
Celebrating significant anniversaries as Catholic school teachers in the Philadelphia Archdiocese are, from left, Richard D’Ambrosio, 25 years; Sister Meg Fleming, I.H.M., 50 years; and Donna Cratin, 25 years. All three teach at St. Hubert High School for Girls.
Cardinal O’Hara High School teachers honored at the Mass include Jim Coyne, 25 years, and Sister Lucy Schluth, R.S.M., 54 years.
From left, Sister Regina Kovalik, I.H.M., of West Catholic High School, has taught for 63 years; Sister Gertrude Freil, S.S.J., 54 years, of Bonner-Prendergast; and Sister Ave Armstrong, S.S.J., 53 years, of West Catholic.
Carol Anne Dominello, left, of Bishop McDevitt High School marks 59 years and Sister Mary Boyer, S.S.J., of McDevitt celebrates 55 years.
Jason Budd of the archdiocesan Office for Catholic Education and principal of Bishop McDevitt Hign School celebrates 25 years and Sister Edward Quinn, I.H.M., of the Office for Catholic Education marks more than 50 years in education.
Noreen Diehl, 25 years at Little Flower and an alumna, prays during Mass.
Receiving holy Communion is John Dunlop of Father Judge High School, who celebrates 25 years.
Richard D’Ambrosio of St. Hubert High School, celebrating 25 years, prays during Mass.
Sister of St. Joseph Joanne Mongelli, currently at Archbishop Wood High School and a Catholic school teacher for 50 years, receives Communion from Bishop Michael Fitzgerald.
Juliane Teson of Father Judge High School marks 25 years.
Bishop Fitgerald chats with Mia Donohue, 25 years, and Kathleen O’Neil, 25 years, from Our Lady of Calvary School in Northeast Philadelphia during the reception after Mass.
Edward Dormer of Archbishop Ryan High School marks 25 years in Catholic education.
Bishop Fitzgerald chats with Barbara Parella Knezo from Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic School, West Brandywine. Also shown is Andrew McLaughlin, archdiocesan secretary for elementary schools works to strengthen the connections between people, families and communities every day by delivering the news people need to know about the Catholic Church, especially in the Philadelphia region, and the world in which we live.
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PREVIOUS: 175 parish catechists honored for years of service at Mass
NEXT: Religious women, men join in Mass for consecrated life
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