Archbishop Nelson Perez offers a special prayer for the Class of 2020 as it prepares to graduate in this unprecedented time.

(Click to listen or read the transcript below. Para escuchar al mensaje en español, haz clic aquí.)


Archbishop Nelson Perez:

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray.

Almighty God and Father of us all, we pray for everyone who will be gathered during this time as we celebrate the young men and women who are members of the Class of 2020.

We pray for their parents, guardians and families. We pray for administrators, teachers and school staffs, who have dedicated themselves to our graduates’ success.

We pray for all those affected by illness, especially the coronavirus, which is affecting so many throughout the world.

We pray for nurses, medical providers and caregivers.

We pray especially for loved ones who have been called home to the Lord and pray that they may experience comfort and peace.

We ask you to bless this Class of 2020. Walk with them as they continue their journey of faith and of life.

Help them to use wisely and generously the gifts and talents you have given them, so that they may share those gifts with others, and by doing so make this world a better place, and one day come to your kingdom.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Music: “Sunset Landscape” by Keys of Moon (Attribution 4.0 International / CC BY 4.0)