Father Eugene Hemrick
Fear is mounting that the Arctic will reach historic levels of ice melt and there will be absurdly high temperatures and consuming wildfires in an area meant to be the definition of cold.
There are also fears that COVID-19 will continue far into 2021, climate change will increase wildfires, devastating flooding and bizarre weather patterns. There are also fears that anxiety will dramatically increase psychological and physical sicknesses. A third world war to end all wars is a growing possibility.
Present leaders are unprepared for these overwhelming challenges confronting the world.
Undoubtedly, these fears are calling for a brand of modern leaders unlike any before. How might they look and act?
They will be leaders who sense danger and fear but do not succumb to fear, because they have familiarized themselves with it when growing up.
They will not treat danger as a mere adventure but will react to it with a global perspective and view it as their responsibility for the entire world.
These new leaders will possess a sense of heartfelt love, love of the world deepened by the precariousness, vulnerability and helplessness of their beloved.
They will have the zest to look danger in the eye and be straightforward with it. Political possibilities will play into the equation of dealing with fear but will be based primarily on the common good. The cry of the people will be heard, and more important, the cry for righteousness and justice.
These leaders will practice discipline aimed at adhering to their conscience and maintaining personal dignity.
As our technological age progresses rapidly, this modern leadership will possess a knowledgeable relationship with it and respect for it.
They will know that when things are left to themselves, they retrogress. They will acknowledge that the world is in the hands of freedom and hence will feel responsibility for the kinds of freedom that will exist.
When America faced grave fears in the last century, President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated, “The only fear we have to fear is fear itself.” Horrific fears exist that can unnerve our very bones. Coping with them will be leaders who possess backbone strengthened by a loving heart, devotion to chivalry and wisdom.
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