Dr. James Smith Jr.
The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia presents its Catholic Leadership Speaker Series on Thursday, Oct. 14 from 4 to 5 p.m. in a virtual event.
The featured speaker is Dr. James Smith Jr. presenting on “The Pursuit of Authenticity: Personal Power, Personal Responsibility and Faith – A Powerful Combination.”
During these uncertain and ever-changing times, people are searching for the truth. We are looking for new ways to accelerate our personal power to consistently live what we give. We don’t want fake, phony, ego or pretend. And we want our leaders to be seen as aspirational, not held on a pedestal. Going forward, showing up as authentically as we can will be a game-changer. We will be difference-makers.
These are challenging, character-building and pivotal times. People are still healing. They’ve become more skeptical, learned, critical and sensitive. They’ve also become deep thinkers who don’t want sensationalism, false rhetoric, or noise.
During this quick-paced, high-energy session you will:
• Explore the true meaning of authenticity;
• Uncover why it’s more important than ever before for us to be at our authentic best;
• Discuss what helps and what hinders authentic expression;
• Examine how authenticity can help us provide a much greater level of service and support;
• Explore the impact that personal power, personal accountability and faith have on authentic communication and living.
This opportunity will explore the areas in our life where we can be more authentic. The old version of ourselves is not going to be relevant today and in the future.
To register for the event, visit the CFGP’s website here. There is no cost to register for this event.
Smith passionately works with learners, providing high performance solutions in the areas of leadership, authenticity, diversity and inclusion, presentation skills and personal power. The author, speaker, coach and educator has provided his JIMPACT nationally and internationally, and has worked with leaders, managers and individual contributors, both virtually and in-person.
He also authored three books, with his last book, “The No Excuse Guide to Success,” being nominated for an NAACP Image Award.
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