Posted October 4, 2021
Creatures great and small lined up for blessings offered by a number of archdiocesan parishes to mark the Oct. 4 feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of ecology.
(Read our related story on this year’s blessings of the animals.)
Father Patrick Welsh, pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Philadelphia, holds his dog Vader during an Oct. 2 blessing of the animals at that parish. (Vanessa Turchi/St. Matthew Parish)
A Labrador retriever mix and his owner wait on the steps of St. William Church in Philadelphia for an Oct. 2 blessing of the animals. (Gina Christian)
Parishioners of Sacred Heart in Royersford carry their dog to an Oct. 2 blessing of the animals. (Christine Klag/Sacred Heart Parish)
St. William parishioners show off their pets at an Oct. 3 blessing of the animals. (Gina Christian)
Father Patrick Welsh, pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Philadelphia, blesses dogs at an Oct. 2 service. (Vanessa Turchi/St. Matthew Parish)
Dogs of all sizes (such as this one at St. William) dominated at this year’s blessings of the animals throughout the Philadelphia Archdiocese. (Gina Christian)
Father Augusto Concha blesses a pair of turtles after the 12 p.m. Mass Oct. 3 at St. William Parish in Philadelphia. (Gina Christian)
The Durso family and their dogs Gatsby (left) and Bruno (in profile) attended an Oct. 2 blessing of the animals, where they were joined by fellow canine Vader, owned by pastor Father Patrick Welsh. (Vanessa Turchi/St. Matthew Parish)
The Segrest family of St. Matthew Parish brought their guinea pig Tater Tot to the parish’s Oct. 2 blessing of the animals. (Vanessa Turchi/St. Matthew Parish)
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