A new documentary on EWTN is highlighting the work of The Papal Foundation and you can catch a showing this week.

EWTN recently premiered, From Quito, To Rome: A Family of Families, Aug. 25 taking viewers to The Center – A Family of Families in Quito, Ecuador, where volunteers and missionaries help people break free of the circle of poverty and violence. Viewers witness their struggles and triumphs as they work to transform community member’s lives and help them build a better future.

Philadelphia’s The Papal Foundation, the only U.S.-based philanthropic organization that exclusively fulfills the requests of the Holy Father, is one of The Center’s key benefactors.

With more than $200 million in grants awarded to date to 2300 different projects in developing nations around the world, The Papal Foundation focuses on serving the poor in developing nations by building churches, schools and hospitals; countering hunger, abuse and trafficking; and offering the hope of the Gospel message.

“As you will see in this documentary, the need in Quito is tremendous, where the average daily wage is $2.45. As Stewards of St. Peter, we believe it is our responsibility to support the vulnerable and marginalized, and we pray that we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those being helped by the incredible volunteers and missionaries in Quito,” said Eustace Mita, President of The Papal Foundation Board of Trustees.

The documentary will air again on EWTN Thursday, Aug. 31 at 6:30 p.m. ET and is available any time On Demand at https://ondemand.ewtn.com/free/Home/Play/en/EVA11588.

For more information about The Papal Foundation, visit www.thepapalfoundation.org