The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia (CFGP) is thrilled to unveil the finalists for the prestigious 2023 Angel Award. This distinguished accolade is bestowed upon an organization that champions innovative initiatives in support of evangelization within the greater Philadelphia area. The Angel Award was created with the intent of proactively shaping the future of the Catholic Church within our community.

Thursday, October 19, 2023
6:00p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Union League Liberty Hill
800 Ridge Pike,
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

Join the CFGP for a “Shark Tank”-style competition event featuring live presentations from the three finalists vying for the Angel Award, each of whom has proposed exciting initiatives aimed at fostering faith and community growth. Following these presentations, a live vote will determine the recipient of a grand total of $50,000 in funding.

Don’t miss this extraordinary evening of philanthropy and community support. The CFGP looks forward to your presence at the Angel Award presentations, hosted at the Union League Liberty Hill from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Please RSVP by Friday, October 13, 2023, to secure your spot at this inspiring event.


1. Roman Catholic High School
Roman Catholic High School strives to bring the Gospel values of Jesus Christ to its students while forming a Catholic community that embodies the Christian spirit of service to all.

Their plan intends to address the gap between knowing “about” Jesus and entering into a relationship “with” Jesus. They plan to establish a relational model of ministry and evangelization where teenagers are invited into a personal relationship with Jesus.

2. Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
The Seminary forms missionary disciples who are shepherds after the heart of Jesus Christ — Catholic priests and permanent deacons, religious and lay, men and women — for various forms of ministry and service.

Their proposal looks to engage individuals throughout the five-county area of Greater Philadelphia through the integration of email marketing, podcast presentations, short-reel videos, and radio programming. The project consists of weekly messaging about the lives of saints whose experience is particularly relevant to the life of faith in the contemporary world.

3. Live Vertical
Their mission is to take religion from a subject learned to a faith that is vibrantly lived. They help to foster personal encounters with Jesus Christ through guided adoration sessions, retreats, and campus minister accompaniment.

Their plan proposes to expand the reach and depth of campus ministry beyond the campus minister through the creation of evangelization teams in high schools composed of students and adults. These teams will work with the campus minister to be catalysts for encounters with Jesus within their school community. The focus is a mission for one.

The event is free and open to the public. Join for an inspiring evening of faith, innovation, and community. Register now and be part of the Angel Award Presentation Event on October 19th, 2023!

To register, please visit