Detailed information about the pastoral and administrative assignments for three new auxiliary bishops in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia was announced by Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Monday, June 17.

He shared the bishops’ responsibilities in a letter to the archdiocesan curia in English and Spanish, saying his work as Archbishop would be impossible without the auxiliary bishops and that “their apostolic presence and episcopal charism nourish the Church in a unique way.”

“Our new auxiliary bishops, Most Reverend Keith J. Chylinski, Most Reverend Christopher R. Cooke, and Most Reverend Efren V. Esmilla have spent the past few months celebrating Confirmation and taking time to be among God’s people while continuing to serve in their current assignments. They have also been attending monthly meetings with me in addition to weekly meetings with my Senior Staff; the College of Deans; the Priest Personnel Board; the Council of Priests; and the College of Consultors,” the archbishop said.

Each auxiliary bishop will be entrusted with pastoral care of a particular geographic region of our local Church, including making parish visits, the celebration of Confirmation, and the installation of pastors, as well as presiding over the funeral rites of priests and deacons. They will also oversee the work of the Deans in their assigned regions.

As of July 1, the Archdiocese will consist of four Episcopal Regions including: Episcopal Region I (Delaware and Chester Counties) served by Bishop John J. McIntyre; Episcopal Region II (Montgomery County) served by Bishop Keith J. Chylinski; Episcopal Region III (Bucks County) served by Bishop Christopher R. Cooke; and Episcopal Region IV (City of Philadelphia) served by Bishop Efren V. Esmilla.

Together with Bishop Edward Deliman, Bishop Cooke will also take on pastoral responsibility for the Spanish-speaking Catholic community, which is spread over many parishes in all of the Episcopal Regions.

Each auxiliary bishop is also entrusted to watch over and lead particular aspects of the life and ministry of the Archdiocese in coordination with the archbishop.

Bishop McIntyre will continue to lead the Secretariat for Catholic Human Services, which includes Catholic Social Services, Catholic Housing and Community Services, and Nutritional Development Services.

Bishop Esmilla will lead the offices of the Secretariat of Evangelization, which includes the Office of the New Evangelization, Office for Life and Family, Office for Persons with Disabilities and the Deaf Apostolate, the Office for Black Catholics, Office for Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees, and Multi-Cultural Ministries.

Bishop Cooke, in conjunction with Bishop Deliman, will oversee the archdiocesan ministry to Hispanic Catholics which includes the Office for Hispanic Catholics as well the Dean for Hispanic Parishes.

Bishop Chylinski will lead the offices of the Secretariat for Catholic Education including 102 parish and regional elementary schools, 15 high schools, and three schools of special education. He will also maintain relationships with local Catholic colleges and universities.

He will continue to serve as Rector of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary throughout the coming academic year and retain oversight of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary and the Vocation Office to Diocesan Priesthood during that time.

In June 2025, the seminary will welcome its new rector and Bishop Chylinski will assume oversight of the Office for Catholic Education.

The Archbishop concluded his letter asking Catholics to join him in gratitude for the auxiliary bishops’ service and “in praying that they will be strengthened by the Holy Spirit each day as successors to the Apostles.”

See a revised organizational chart here.