Spearheaded by the Office for Persons with Disabilities, various offices within the Archdiocese have worked with representatives from Catholic Social Services, local clergy, and consecrated religious in taking the first step to address mental health challenges within parish communities.

Beginning in February, coinciding with the Church’s annual World Day of the Sick, the Archdiocese will share a monthly “mental health minute” banner across various Archdiocesan newsletters and platforms.

The initiative aims to raise awareness about mental health and help dispel the stigma surrounding mental illness. Its aim is to combine facts with a perspective informed by Catholic teaching to foster a deeper understanding of mental health and encourage compassionate support within the faith community.

SEE MORE >>> Archdiocese Launches Website With Mental Health Resources For Area Catholics

Additionally, each monthly banner will include the link to the Archdiocesan website for Catholic Mental Health Support, where parishes or individuals can find resources and sign up to learn more about mental health initiatives happening throughout the Church in Philadelphia.