
4 Ways to Practice Prayer During the Season of Lent

Consider one of these four ways to pray effectively during your Lenten journey.

Nothing is Impossible for God

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Third Sunday of Lent.

3 Ways to Practice Almsgiving During the Season of Lent

Here are three examples of ways to embrace almsgiving during your Lenten journey.

This Lent, experience God’s love and mercy by encountering Jesus in new ways

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent.

Taking it beyond 40 days — Lent in your life

"Lent has begun once again, but the devotions we practice do not end with Easter Sunday," writes Father Ravert in his latest column.

The tradition of ashes on Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday, Feb. 22, blessed ashes were distributed to the faithful at Masses and Liturgies of the Word throughout the Archdiocese as a tangible reminder to repent and believe in the Gospel.

Journeying through Lent with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the First Sunday of Lent.

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Love lies at the heart of our faith

Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Pope Francis’ February 2023 Prayer Intention

In his prayer intention for this month, Pope Francis asks parishes to be generous and open communities close to all.