
Readings of the Holy Mass — Third Sunday of Easter

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Allow yourself to be happy

Joy can follow suffering, writes Shemaiah Gonzalez, who finds that small moments build a life of happiness -- like a good cup of coffee, noticing an interaction between strangers, cuddles with a kid -- and God is in those moments.

Happiness remains elusive for Americans

Stigmas against mental illness are weakening and people acknowledge that asking for help is a constructive way to deal with the angst and unhappiness that plague our society today, writes Effie Caldarola.

Should women wear a veil in church?

Father Ken Doyle reviews the brief history of the practice of wearing a veil. Ultimately it comes down to the true motivation of the wearer. Also in his Q&A, he offers a wise alternative to weddings at exotic destinations.

Exulting in the Resurrection with Mary Magdalene

A woman once possessed by demons is now possessed by Christ, who now is her most enduring hope. She leads us to proclaim "Christ my hope is arisen," writes poet Lindsey Weishar.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Easter

Read, watch or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below: Second Sunday of Easter/Sunday of Divine Mercy See the Mass readings for this Sunday, April 24. Read Msgr. Joseph Prior’s commentary on the readings. See the readings for today’s Mass. Listen to the daily readings in audio or view videos of daily Scripture reflections.

Jesus sends his message of mercy to a broken world

"Peace be with you," Jesus tells his fearful disciples in this Sunday's Gospel, and us today. He calls us to live the power of the resurrection through love and forgiveness, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Mourning her dead, Mary awaits the Resurrection in Ukraine

The Blessed Mother weeps over the thousands slain amid a brutal Russian invasion, and longs for their restoration in her risen Son.

A study of ‘Christ in Limbo’

More a theological concept than a doctrine, limbo was said to be where souls awaited Christ's resurrection, when he would draw them to eternal glory. A painting of the scene by a 15th century artist offers a fitting Holy Week meditation.

Easter offers hope, and we need it more than ever

As Lent began, the war in Ukraine broke out and pushed the pandemic from the headlines. But all along there was climate change and the call to simplify. The actions of care for creation give hope and strength to Effie Caldarola.