
Striving for a holy life by doing the little things right

The everyday struggles of the Jones household include getting everyone around the table for dinner. It's the toddler who reminds the family to pray -- a lesson in holiness that Mom needs.

At rosary, pope prays resources move from military to pandemic prevention

Under the gaze of a seventh-century icon of Mary, Pope Francis launched a monthlong, global recitation of the rosary, pleading for Mary's intercession for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Through grace, Jesus the vine nourishes our life, the gift of God

The risen Lord sustains us, the branches of his vine, and through our relationship of love with him we bear more fruit because he remains in us, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Lost to ourselves, Mary finds us and leads us home

Humans are working furiously these days to redefine their very nature, but the Mother of God remembers who we really are in Christ, and guides us back to him, writes Gina Christian.

Why do we repent for sins if Jesus already forgave them?

In his weekly Q&A, Father Ken Doyle explains the divine logic of the crucifixion opening heaven for our redemption, and we also do our part for repentance.

Jesus always loves, defends his flock, seeks out everyone, pope says

Not only does Jesus defend his flock, he also knows each and every one, Pope Francis said. "We are not a 'mass,' a 'multitude' for him, no. We are unique individuals, each with his or her own story."

Little things make a big difference on path to holiness

Reflecting on Pope Francis' third encyclical, Nicole Perone cites four ways to grow in holiness, including acting in small gestures like choices for the good, simple acts of charity and brief moments of prayer.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Jesus, our Good Shepherd, leads us through dangers to eternal life

Through baptism we join Christ in a union so deep and penetrating that it transforms us. We have entered into the very life of God, eternal life, comments Msgr. Joseph Prior on this Sunday’s readings for Mass.