
“We Are One Body…”

As we celebrate Corpus Christi Sunday, we are called to reaffirm our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, says Father Stephen D. Thorne.

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity: Reflecting on God’s Love for Us

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

Opening Our Hearts to Receive the Holy Spirit

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for Pentecost Sunday.

Living in the Communion of Divine Love

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Sixth Sunday of Easter.

Jesus is the Vine, We are the Branches

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Easter.

Jesus Christ: Our Cornerstone

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

Invitation to the Schools of Missionary Discipleship

Meghan Cokeley says the purpose of these schools is to be formed more deeply in your friendship with Jesus Christ and to be equipped with the skills for helping others come to encounter Jesus’ great love for them.

Jesus Invites Us To Share In The Good News

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for the Third Sunday of Easter.

Jesus’ Mercy Endures Forever

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday.

Easter: Celebrating the Gift of Life!

Msgr. Joseph Prior, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Penndel, offers a reflection on the readings of the Holy Mass for Easter Sunday.