
Lent’s one goal: Entering a relationship with Jesus

Effie Caldarola offers a Lenten meditation on living as the Gospel calls her, and facing the things that are holding her back from the heart of Jesus. May this Lent be a time to move forward.

This Lent, risk prayer

How does prayer transform us? By changing what we desire, writes Jesuit Father Rick Malloy. When we open our hearts in prayer to the God who desperately loves us, watch out. Anything can happen!

Our simple good deeds make God’s love present in the world

When we listen to Jesus and follow his model of sacrifice then we are participating in his offering to the world as he shows the way to the Father, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Second Sunday of Lent

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Lent’s promise in bleak times

When we make it to the other side of this bleak midwinter, with its COVID deaths, teen depression, and business failures, we'll be ready to receive the joy of Easter, that eternal spring for which we all wait in hope.

To enter the kingdom of God, we first enter the desert

Msgr. Joseph Prior unpacks the image of a journey to describe our 40 days in Lent. The journey helps us renew our hope, strengthen our faith and bolster our love, in a desert state of mind.

Growing our hearts this Lent through a ‘spiritual game plan’

Prayer, fasting, almsgiving, sacred music and devotion to St. Joseph can provide powerful nourishment for souls seeking a closer walk with Christ, writes poet Lindsay Weishar.

Becoming a missionary disciple through Lent

Shifting our gaze from ourselves to the world in need around us, and from those closest to us to those furthest away, is at the heart of preparing for Easter, and for spreading the Gospel.

Readings of the Holy Mass – First Sunday of Lent

Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Lent turns us inside out to set us straight

Preparing for Easter isn't a march of misery or an exercise in willpower, but a chance to find lasting joy by learning not to pick and choose our crosses, writes Gina Christian.