Readings of the Holy Mass – Fourth Sunday of Advent
Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Keeping watch with St. Joseph
The humble carpenter faced many sleepless hours in fulfilling the divine plan, but by remaining alert to the Lord's will, he learned the true source of rest and refreshment, writes Gina Christian.
In year of pandemic, a season of hope for coming of Jesus
While we prepare for Jesus' return and for the celebration of Christmas, we remember that he has come and is now with us, strengthening us on the journey, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.
Readings of the Holy Mass – Third Sunday of Advent
Read, listen to or watch videos of the Mass readings with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.
Advent Week 3: Rejoice during bleak times
The joy of God bursting from heaven spills into our time on this Gaudete Sunday, beckoning us to quiet down, do less, be more prayerful and find joy in what Christ is offering us in this unique and strange year.
Advent Week 3: The joy of Advent and pregnancy
Writer Cassandra Palmer is expecting a child this Advent, and despite the busyness of the season, she focuses on what is quietly developing inside. She has company, as we all have the company of God.
Advent calls us to face our brokenness with hope
A drive through a devastated neighborhood reminds Gina Christian that the Lord prepares his way in the deserts of our lives, so that he can transform them and reveal his glory.
Advent Week 2: Prepare the (digital) way of the Lord
Many people have abandoned the toxicity of social media, but it is an ideal place, and now is the ideal time, to "make straight the way of the Lord" and for Catholics to model good use of media.
Advent Week 2: Our idea of God undergoes conversion
The suffering and disruption of the pandemic this year frequently yielded surprising human rewards, even as it challenged us to seek and find God in new ways, writes David Gibson.
This Advent, travel back to the future (and beyond)
Time travel has always fascinated sci-fi buff Gina Christian, but Advent reminds us we don't need a Starfleet craft to break through the everyday into the joyous eternity promised by Christ's coming.