
As with long-suffering Job, persistence pays off for Eagles’ fans

The morning before the Eagles' first Super Bowl victory, Catholics heard the story of Job, writes editor Matthew Gambino. Bad things happen over the years, but the faithful, eventually, will have cause for great joy.

Should you have more money in bank before you have more kids?

A young couple wrestle with waiting to build financial security before expanding their family. Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain suggest prayer, discernment and several practical resources, such as natural family planning.

Fight the spread of ‘fake news’ in media and on our own lips

The phenomenon of "spreading disinformation" isn't limited to the news, writes Father Thomas Dailey. It begins with the one who writes or posts, in how we think and speak. We must be ready to listen so truth can emerge.

Put the needle down: City must drop plan for safe injection sites

Greenlighting safe injection sites in Philadelphia to counter an alarming number of opioid overdoses and deaths is wrong because the sites enable drug usage, writes Gina Christian. Harm reduction is too simplistic a strategy for so complex a problem as addiction.

In their mission and impact, Catholic schools ‘look like America’

For over 200 years, Catholic education has fostered academic excellence and faith in children from all segments of American society, writes Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas. He urges all to get involved and advocate on behalf of Catholic schools.

Are we empowering women, or the men who patronize them?

If bills that mandate abortion coverage are approved, we cannot say of predatory males that "their time is up," writes Richard Doerflinger. Their time has arrived -- wrapped in the guise of "empowering" their victims.

Broadening the pro-life witness

The unusual move of a bishop boycotting a pro-life rally turned on a speaker's support of the death penalty. Greg Erlandson writes of how the pro-life movement is increasingly focusing on how society disposes of people it does not value.

Pay attention to a world filled with signs of God all around us

Brett Robinson's family had a strong devotion to St. Therese, so when a loved one had cancer, they prayed for her intercession. From the tuberculosis that killed her came today's best treatment for the cancer.

‘Dreamers’ reveal nightmare of broken immigration system

Youth with DACA status are Americans in all but legal status, writes Father Gus Puleo. The federal government's inability to grant them citizenship reflects a crisis in immigration law and political partisanship.

Why are we so lucky? Take a look in the family mirror

The great-grandfather of writer Effie Caldarola overcame a political climate that denigrated the Irish whose country had become unlivable and wretched. She owes him a debt of gratitude and sees a lesson for today.