
Faith and family inform Justice Samuel Alito’s seat on the high court

Deacon Eric Banecker sits down with the U.S. Supreme Court justice who talks about his family roots, lifelong love for the Phillies and the serious implications of the same-sex marriage decision.

Calm conviction is needed in the face of James Comey’s firing

Instead of political outrage over the Trump-Russia-Comey affair, voter pressure on members of Congress to support a thorough investigation will be a far more effective brake on Trump's presidential behavior.

End of life comes with a slick marketing proposition

Human dignity demands we oppose any coercion to hasten the hour of death, as marketers of assisted suicide propose. Greg Erlandson calls on doctors to lift the mask of "choice" on mercy killing.

On vacation this summer, have fun but stay sober

These six tips will help those in recovery from addiction have a good time on vacation by dealing with the stresses and temptations that come with being away from home.

She’s come a long way to the better end of Chapter One

In her commencement speech May 13 at Gwynedd Mercy University, graduate Julia Tasca reflected on the community and values of the university that gave her the purpose she needed in life.

Keeping cradle Catholics in the church

Elise Italiano never had a radical turning point in her faith. But she always had the help of parents, grandparents and mentors along the way. Such people can help today's youths stay Catholic, too.

Mother and child in the Hispanic Catholic imagination

May is a beautiful month to be Catholic, writes Hosffman Ospino. That's because Mary, leading everyone to Jesus, is the focus of processions and devotions throughout the Americas.

Religious freedom 2.0: An executive order short on orders

The president's latest executive order, does not do what some hoped and others feared, but it does some good, writes Richard Doerflinger. It should be welcomed as a good start, but more is needed.

Fears — pick one, or many — are gripping everyone today

In a time when people fear deportation just for having brown skin, fear their health care may be in jeopardy and fear outbreak of nuclear war, facts have become a casualty, writes Moises Sandoval. Prayer is the only option.

High-energy daughter is wearing out Mom and Dad

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain advise what a couple can do to direct their very active 5 year old, and what they might do differently as a family to involve all the children.