
Many American moms are single, but they’re not alone

Social programs to assist single mothers strike Carolyn Woo as offering a sense of worth because someone believed in them, invested in them and helped them make a better life for their children.

‘Amid the Fray’: Dispatches from the front

New columnist Greg Erlandson isn't writing about war but about the conflicts on our lives. He'll comment on the doubts, temptations and politics with which we all struggle, in private and in public.

Lifting HHS mandate begins with Trump’s new order

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Catholic bishops, praised the new executive order that "begins the process of alleviating the serious burden" of the contraceptive mandate.

Coptic priest’s message to terrorists: Thank you, and we love you

Father Boules George, commenting on the Palm Sunday bombings of churches in Egypt, thanks the killers for speeding their victims to heaven, and for filling churches in a way parish invitations never could.

‘Star Wars’ as a path to God? St. Paul might approve

On this March 4th, a Presbyterian minister and lifelong Star Wars fan argues Paul was onto something in his approach to the ancient Athenians. A movie isn't a bad way to talk about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Young people want to live ‘In Light of Faith’

In the spirit of the coming Synod of Bishops looking at issues faced by youths, two Catholic young adults are launching a platform to hear the voices of young people. You can join the conversation.

Teens have the hardest job in the world, but they can do it

As he writes his final column for young people, Erick Rommel has absolute confidence that today's teens are capable of handling everything that comes their way, no matter how dark it seems.

Tense times call for a heightened ‘moral tension’

To avoid global catastrophe, youths must learn God's role is absolutely necessary for guaranteeing peace, the well-being of earth's resources and a hopeful future, writes Father Eugene Hemrick.

A child’s pace slows Mom back to God

While taking a long hike with her short-legged preschooler, Laura Kelly Fanucci learns to wait patiently, just as God does. With laundry basket on hip, she'll remember to savor each moment.

Cardinal Dolan pans Democrats’ pro-abortion pledge

After the Democratic National Committee's leader vowed to support only pro-abortion candidates, Cardinal Timothy Dolan urged Democrats to "challenge their leadership to recant this intolerant position."