
Money is tight for family; should they cut back donations to church?

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain advise a couple with a strong tradition of tithing -- giving 10 percent to their church -- even as their family grows. Prayerful communication and compromise is key for the couple.

What’s for dinner in Lent? Fish, and faith

Maureen Pratt sees the many healthful benefits of eating certain kinds of fish. So important were fish to ancient people that it is no surprise fishing appears in the Gospel stories we reflect on during Lent.

We need the ethical wisdom of Ben Sira more than ever

The ancient writer of the Bible's Book of Sirach is especially relevant because of today's blatant falsehoods, pitiable rhetoric, and egotistical self-righteousness. He presents checks and balances needed to guide us through challenging times.

Is a print publication coming back to the archdiocese? editor Matthew Gambino explains plans for the possible launch of a new, local Catholic news magazine. The archdiocese needs to know how many people will pay to read it -- see how you can respond.

In a divided church, are we party operatives or messengers of the Gospel?

A consistent attitude of openness to others demands that I love those who disagree with me -- including Catholics who think their favorite issue is more urgent than mine, writes Richard Doerflinger on apparent divisions among Catholics.

Onward, Christian stranger, into the Romanesque ruins of America

Seminarian Eric Banecker looks at Archbishop Charles Chaput's new book and finds inspiration from its passages on St. Augustine, who wrote during the time of the collapsing Roman Empire -- with parallels for today.

Ponder the idol of money, and its evils, during Lent

We live in a culture of greed where grasping for wealth and security can mask our emptiness, writes Effie Caldarola. The Gospel story of Lazarus and the rich man may make a challenging daily reflection during Lent.

Stranger than fiction: Causes and cures for today’s politics

Archbishop Chaput's new book, writes Emily Rice, urges re-engagement with popular culture with the loving truth it needs. Reinterpreted for our time, the book sounds the familiar call to be in the world but not of it.

Youths have honest opinions, and the pope wants to hear them

Maria-Pia Negro Chin explains how young people ages 16-29 can take up Pope Francis' offer of letting the church know their views ahead of next year's Synod of Bishops meeting to discuss youth concerns and vocations.

Living your faith, not just having it, at work

A practical workplace spirituality doesn't mean handing out religious pamphlets, writes Father William Byron. It means bringing an awareness of the Spirit within us, as one who is in balance, on target and at peace at work.